
He Wanted to Show Her the World

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Tayla19's avatar

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She stared out the window of her classroom and wished she was somewhere, anywhere, but where she was currently. Tired and bored of life, her heart hungered for something more. She craved adventure and mystery, something that her current life failed to offer. Her parents kept her locked up, bubble wrapped he life. She knew that some of the reasons for their choking method of parenting were her fault, but that still didn't stop her from wishing for something she knew she would never get. “Wistful thinking” her mother had called it. As she got more and more wrapped up in her own thoughts, the bell rang, telling them all it was time to go home. Shaking her head to clear it, she packed her things and followed the crowd out of the room. Stopping by her locker and saying goodbye to her friends on the way out, she threw her headphones on and started to make the long walk home. It wasn't that long of a walk really, but she enjoyed taking her time, enjoying the way the world surrounding her flowed and allowing her imagination to run away from her at leaps and bounds. Bringing colour into her black and white reality.

Almost reluctantly, she arrived at her front door, only to be greeted with her mother asking a flurry of questions. “What took you so long?” she asked.
“I'm sorry, I was daydreaming again. Time must have gotten away from me.”
“You've always got your head up in the clouds girl, it can't be good for you. Daydreaming causes nothing but unwarranted hope, and you'll never achieve anything if you're looking up at the sky instead of your Maths homework.” Sighing, she waved them off and went to her room. It was always the same with them, she was never good enough. The always wanted perfection, when she could never achieve it. She had told her mother millions of times that perfection was an impossible ideal of her obscene mind. She refuses to listen. With the windows thrown open to allow the last of the afternoons sun-rays in and music playing through her ears, she got down to work.

She was almost done with the never ending mountain of words and numbers she had to get through when her mother burst through the door; “Guess what you little witch!?” 'Oh good lord' she thought to herself, 'What the hell have I done now...?' We found your sketch book missie, and the things you write about make me sick! I can't believe most of them are about me! I have never been more insulted in my entire life!” Her mother looked infuriated, and she prepared herself for the world of pain that she was going to dish out. “You are doing more sketching than actual work!”
“No mum! I have been working so hard lately! Can't you ever see how well I’m doing?” She pleaded with her mother, who by this time had already had far too much to drink. Her father just stood there in the corner of the room, trying to make himself as small as possible. No matter how much she tried to convince her mother, she refused to listen, allowing ignorance to become her new master. Finally, she screamed; “Stop lying to yourself you stupid child! You aren't doing well, you're only getting 'B's! So, as punishment for not being good enough, we are taking away your music and blocking out your window.” Shocked into silence, she began to sob, hoping that her tears may drown her. Her mother walked out of the room with a smile on her face, she knew she had finally broken her. She must have cried enough tears to fill the ocean though that night, and as night grew into day, she knew what she must do. She had to leave. There was nothing for her here, well nothing but heartache and sorrow. So she started the process of packing her things, ready to take on an adventure that wasn't made up in her head.

With her bags packed, she began picking the lock on the cabinet that held her only lifeline captive, her music player. Once they were safely in her bag, she took what food was in the cupboard, stuffed herself on breakfast and left at the mornings first rays. All was prepared, the note was left on her mothers dresser beside her make-up bag so she couldn't miss it, and she has said her goodbyes to her father. So quiet and broken, she only hoped her mother didn't take this out on him... as she wandered through the streets, she began to notice something strange, someone was following her.

She sharply turned the corner, then another, just to make sure her gut instinct was right, and sure enough there he was. Calmly, she quickened her pace, only enough to put a little extra room between herself and her stalker, but sure enough, he sped up too. By the time she had been walking for a solid ten minutes, terror started to settle in and she panicked. She turned sharply around a corner and ran for her life. She got a good head start, but her attacker was quicker, bigger, stronger. She turned around another corner, only to be greeted with a dead end and a strange blue box with police written on it... 'Great! Police!' she thought as she ran for the door, but when she went for the phone her attacker had caught up and was on top of her. “Help!” she screamed out as he dragged her away. After a moment of fighting back, a sense of hopelessness overcame her and she began to sob. Her attacker let out a deep and grotesque laugh, then raised his fist to knock her out.

BANG! Something exploded in the wall behind her and her attacker dropped to the ground. Dust made her vision hazy and she groped at the air in front of her. Her eyes darted around her, looking for both her attacker and her savour, when she spotted a radiant blue light. She wandered towards it, as if hypnotised by its heavenly glow. She reached the door of the blue police box and slumped to the ground, curled up into a ball. She knew that her attacker could still be out there, as she should feel fear or anger or something. However, she only felt calm, safe. “Why do I feel so safe in this chaos...?” she whispered to herself,
“The TARDIS does that to people.” shocked at the knowledge that she was no longer alone, she quickly turned to face the voice.

He was a young man, tall and majestic in his stature. He wore a red bow-tie and a tweed jacket. On anyone else, this would have look absolutely ridiculous, but he seemed to pull it off. He smiled at her and extended his hand out to help her up. Taking it, they face to face. Her mind was racing with a million different questions, who was this mysterious man who had come to save her? He looked into her eyes and flashed a cheeky smile. He was up to something, she could tell. “Now, my dear, what is your name? I like to know the names of the women I'm about to whisk away before I do the, well, whisking.” He asked the question with a glint in his eye, and she immediately wanted to find out more about her hansom saviour.
“My name? Well mister, you'll have to tell me yours first I like to know the names of the men who will be whisking me away before the do the whisking.” she flashed him a coy smile, a challenge. His eyebrows sky-rocketed, none of them had challenged him right off the bat like she had. She was different, and he loved it.
“Well then, my name is The Doctor.” he replied. 'The Doctor? What an odd name...' she thought
“My name is Ebony, nice to meet you Doctor. Now, what is all this talk about whisking?”
“Well, my dear Ebony, I want to take you on an adventure you'll never forget. You see, I'm a time traveller, and the TARDIS is my ship. I have been looking for someone to travel the cosmos with me, and I want you to be that person. If you do join me, I promise you wont regret it” with that, he stepped inside his box. Peeking behind him, she saw a room much bigger that the outside. The audacity of the entire situation baffled her, but she was curious. She had just ran away after all, so what did she have to loose? But what about her friends? Her family? She was unsure... as if sensing her reluctance, he held out his hand once again, and with a smile on his face and kindness in his eyes, he said three words that would change Ebonys' life forever;
“Come with me.”

So she did.

She is still travelling all of time and space with her madman in a big blue box. She has finally gotten the life she had always dreamed of, and The Doctor never broke his promise. She never regretted taking his hand and being pulled into the crazy world of The Doctor.
You'll never guess what I'm obsessing over at the moment... :P

I love Matt Smith and I was so sad when he left Doctor Who :'(
So I decided to write a story about him :D
I was originally meant to be short, but then I started writing and i kinda couldn't stop... :P

Hope you enjoy it :D
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